Some things I've learned....

(1) An Engineer can do with 10 cent what a fool can do with a Euro.

(2) "Puff" - unimportant; insignificant; unworthy of study by engineering students; waste of time

(3) It's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're stupid than to open it and prove them right!

(4) Blockwork people and concrete people can never work on the same site... Apparently they don't like each other....

(5) It's official; I'm fantastic!

Monday 19 May 2008


Stockade are a new 5 piece vocal harmony band taking the world by storm. With their amazing covers and solid physical presence their going straight to the top.

The members are (Left to Right):
Lorcan Keller (Ginger Stock)
Maurice Price (Baby Stock)
Brendan Byrne (Sporty Stock)
Damien Kelly (Posh Stock)
Alan ''Wolfman'' Byrne (Scary Stock)

Look for them soon in a town near you!!

We are currently recording our debut single Well Stock'd and have begun work on our first studio album Built Like A House (working title). The single Well Stock'd will likely include a bonus track of the WIP We Work Hard, We Play Hard.

Oh yeah, let the money flow!

~The Damo (aka Posh Stock)

1 comment:

Ann Marie said...

*is kinda scared*